1. Coagulopathia
2. Fetal Limb Abnormalities
3. Selected For Grinding And Feeding
4. Immersed In The Great Maggoty Cellar
5. Mutated Insect Copulation
6. Congenital Coxa Vara Deformity
7. Abomiak Popuscation
8. Neglected Hygiene Terror
9. Ritual Actions Over Carrion
10. Vermified Larvae To Infest (Dysmenorrheic Hemorrhage Cover)
11. Strogino Sickness
12. Umbilical Excoriation
13. Necromantic Spew
14. Contrastic Clonage
15. Bloody Embyonic Autopsy
16. Inconsistent Mass Of Clotted Foetal Pulp
17. Embryorgasm